It’s always a challenge to talk about myself. But here we go!

I’m a person of many hobbies. Whenever I’m interested in something, I have the urge to explore it and try it out!

I love illustration and watercolour painting. When I was young I wanted to become a video-game concept artist. I clearly remember Master Chief from Halo being one of my favourite subjects when I was 10 haha.

As a cliché follow up to that, I’ve also had a long-term passion for video-games. I was 7, when my dad came home with the original Xbox, with Halo and Jet Set Radio Future ready to be played. I have very fond memories of sitting in front of the tv, watching my dad play and cheering him on. I will not lie, I sometimes had nightmares after watching the more gruesome scenes 😅.

Now I’m exploring a new hobby, crochet and knitting. Am I good at it? No, but I get to make small plushies that make my desk more cheerful 🐸.
